
A word from IGT Commissioner
Matthias Rothies, Sr.:

I would like to personally welcome you to the newest chapter in the 
history of our ancient game, a game which we all treasure and love.

This 302 season will be our third now, with the IGT having enjoyed 
unparallelled success as one of the premier international sporting
associations.  This year, we once again expect Vexillium's best 
players to compete, almost 400 players from about 60 nations will be
vying to succeed 301 Order of Merit Champion David Havrillak.

The IGT revolutionizes golf competition on Vexillium, as it is the first
and only international circuit.  I am proud to say that we have players
from well over two dozen different countries competing, and our
tournaments span the globe, and visit each inhabitable continent of the
planet, from the rocky shores of Caboteniasa to the deserts of Oost-
Otago!  From the home of golf, Christiana, to the courses of Vingarmark!

Thanks to our enthusiastic sponsors, the purses on the IGT are simply
marvelous.  Our prize funds continue to grow rapidly - which makes 
the IGT probably the highest paying individual sports league 
on the planet, and it leaves the charities we support the real winners!

All this should contribute a great deal to spreading the game of golf over
the planet and increasing its popularity manyfold.  Who will be able to 
resist the best players of Vexillium battling it out for millions of Zasters
on global sports television, broadcast LIVE into virtually every nation? 

Vexillium will be watching, and Vexillium will be playing, too!  Follow
the excitement regularly on our official web site, which will be updated
with the latest tournament results and rankings!  I wish you all good 
golfing, and see you at an IGT tournament near you soon!

Best regards,

Matthias Rothies, Sr.
IGT Commissioner
IGT Headquarters, Surina, Surin Prefecture, Westermarc