1 G Roman MUNDHY Chimera Kikikide (WMC)
2 D SeBastian CIPP Juve Lombriga
3 D Kevin KUTSCH* Metro Kirvani (WES)
4 D Gunnaer EDRASSIE Benfica Ba Sutracca
5 M Valentin KUNAPPA Industrie Tepizcoloyo (OOO)
6 M Piotr KURVAN* Orchid Club Cheok Look (WMC)
7 M Miruslav MERIDION* Lucky 49 Fudefu (WMC)
8 M Elias HRENDY Palmeiras Ba Kamarak
9 S Ernie SNAPPAFUË  Juve Lombriga
10 S Sacha GORE* Lucky 49 Fudefu (WMC) 
11 S Vyacheslav REK* Athletic Alma Addisi (WES)
12 S Manfred CIGRET Juve Lombriga
13 S Imre SAINGALLA Petra Principat Zvitniev (SCK)
14 D Estevano LEZANDE Professyonal Semprempe
15 D Delvan KRIGRIKRUR Omonia Samsarini (SCK)
16 M Davo DALDURRAO Juve Lombriga
17 M Philpito LEZANDE Granit Zvitniev (SCK)
18 M Oliver DEPPENZELL FC Santrop-sur-Mer (SCK)
19 S Stipe STIVAN* Kaap Kierk For Ever (DEU)
20 D Eugen HYPPOLYT Primeiro Caniglia
21 M Egon ZEIGGERLING Benfica Ba Sutracca
22 G Horvath MVRUTSCH Professyonal Samprempe
  *naturalized Coceirans in exile from West Uhlan: former members of the
legendary Coceiran team under coach Kapek, who with the emergence
of "West Uhlan" left Coceira to pursue a professional career overseas.
Eventually, these players were offered Lombrigan citizenship by the
BWA, and now play for Lombriga as naturalized citizens.