SANX 301 - The Games of the Winter Vexilliad (VexGames)

What they all vie for - the MEDALS!
Gold, Silver, and Bronze, in all their glory:
Three medals designated for shipment to Sanx for the Sanx 301 Winter VexGames were reportedly stolen.  The news broke on VINO Sportswire February 9, 301, as employees of the Montroy-based Westrian Forged Alloys, Inc., who were commissioned to produce the medals for the Sanx 301 games, discovered their boxes ready for shipping had been sliced open, and three medals had been removed – a gold, silver and bronze medal each.  "We don't know if it's just a prank, or some sinister fanatical collector, who wanted to have a set of medals… although I don't know what he'd do with them, since the whole planet will know they were stolen!" said Fred Nager, the WFA V.P. of Shipping.  The theft however had no impact on the Games, as five extra sets of medals had been made anyways, in case of ties, or theft.  The Realmspolice are still on the case - as of yet, no suspects have been apprehended.
The Final Medal Standings:
DAV  9-9-8  26
DEU  7-10-5 22
LCP  6-9-7  22
WMC  7-5-8  20
MOA  8-8-3  19
CAB  7-6-3  16
WES  4-4-7  15
BOW  6-4-2  12
ALT  2-4-5  11
KAL  3-1-5   9
SNX  1-4-3   8
FRW  3-4-0   7
CHR  2-0-5   7
BOB  4-1-1   6
SOM  2-2-2   6
ALM  1-1-2   4
SCK  1-0-3   4
RAS  0-1-2   3
POL  0-1-1   2
KYS  0-0-2   2
ACH  1-0-0   1
PHX  0-0-1   1
Unofficial Medals:
RAS  1-3-3 7
DAV  0-4-1 5
BOW  3-1-0 4
KAL  3-0-1 4
SNX  1-2-1 4
DEU  3-0-0 3
WMC  1-1-1 3
WES  1-0-2 3
MOA  1-0-1 2
ALM  0-1-1 2
POL  0-1-1 2
SCK  0-1-0 1
FRW  0-0-1 1
BOB  0-0-1 1
(after day 21 - FINAL)